Thank you for visiting our website today!
Paradise Point Uniting Church is a growing, vibrant evangelical Christian community, filled with people who love Jesus and live out his message to influence the world positively.
Our church endeavours to provide a variety of ministries where all generations are engaged, and we seek to contribute to the common good of the wider community.
We have a simple and clear goal: Inspiring People to Wholeheartedly Follow Jesus.
Our Sunday service times are 9 am and 5 pm. The services run for 60 – 70 minutes, with our kid’s program running for children (5 to 12 years) during the morning service. The style of our services is informal and relaxed. Also, communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month during the morning service. (*Creche runs for infants and children under five during the morning service in our Parents Retreat Room in which parents can join to watch the service lived-streamed.)
If you visit this Sunday, we would love you to stay a little longer after the service to join us for tea & coffee. It would be great to meet you.
We look forward to seeing you soon!