Church We See
Paradise Point Uniting Church is a growing, vibrant evangelical Christian community, filled with people who love Jesus and are living out his message to positively influence the world.
Our church endeavours to provide a variety of ministries where all generations are engaged and we seek to contribute to the common good of the wider community.
We have a simple and clear goal: Inspiring People to Wholeheartedly Follow Jesus
The unfinished story of the Acts indicates that God’s mission is still unfolding and His people are invited to join in the adventure of bringing hope to the world. At PPUC, we aspire to be a local church that demonstrates the following characteristics of the Church in the Acts:
The centrality & finality of Jesus Christ
We see a church that proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ humbly and confidently. We believe that the good news of Jesus Christ is relevant to all cultures, all social changes and all life-situations. We believe that the gospel has the power to change the hearts of all people and brings unlimited hope to the world.
Radical Servanthood
We see a church that is filled with people who radically serve each other, putting each other’s interests above their own. We see a church that brings a generous service to the wider community to see heart-transformation.
Evangelism and church planting
We see a church that helps the broader Church multiply in numbers through conversions and discipleship processes. We see a church that reaches out to people of all generations, all nationalities, all cultures and all languages. We see a church that partners with other mission-based Christian groups, initiate new ministries and plant new churches.
Cultural Reformation
We see a church that positively impacts society with holiness, honesty and integrity and brings cultural reformations to families, workplaces, communities and the world.
True, deep and lasting friendship
We see a church where people experience true friendship with one another – friendship that cuts across age, ethnicity, background and culture, as the Holy Spirit enables us to love each other as Christ loves us. When we meet, there is an atmosphere of love; we laugh and cry together; and we are refreshed, re-energized and restored through fellowship with God and each other. People feel like they have come home here.
Core Values
- Seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Acts Ch.2)
We are committed to worship and prayer to encounter the sanctifying and empowering work of the Holy Spirit. We believe the Holy Spirit guides, edifies, builds, convicts and renews God’s people in agreement with the Scripture. We believe as the Holy Spirit enables and encourages us we encounter God’s presence.
2. Relationships filled with Christ’s love (Acts Ch.2)
We believe Christ’s church is not a physical building, but a group of people who love Jesus and each other. We believe loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life. Therefore, we are committed to believing the best in each other, breaking down barriers between people and seeking restoration and healing of each other.
3. Sharing stories of “Wonder and Amazement” (Acts Ch. 3)
We believe the Gospel message changes the hearts of people and brings hope in both ordinary and extraordinary ways. Therefore, we are committed to sharing and listening to stories of God’s grace and power to encourage and inspire each other.
4. Making Christlike Disciples (Acts Ch. 4 & 7)
We are dedicated to developing disciples of Jesus who are passionate about the Great Commission and demonstrate biblical values through a godly lifestyle.
5. Empowering Leaders of all generations (Acts Ch. 6)
We believe all believers are ministers called by God and are given divine graces and gifts to build a local church and God’s kingdom. Therefore, we are committed to supporting ministry leaders and equipping men and women to be quality leaders to impact the world for Christ. We are committed to open, accountable, ethical leadership and administration of the financial and people resources of our church.
6. A life-enriching Community for all people (Acts Ch. 10)
We are committed to building a biblical community in which people of all nationalities and cultures feel welcomed and valued. We are committed to building a church family in which a sense of unity is naturally expressed out of sincere love and commitment toward one another.
7. Sharing the good news to the ends of the earth (Acts Ch. 13-28)
We are committed to the growth of God’s kingdom. We as individuals share our faith with others. We as a local church partner with other churches and missional organisations to plant new churches. We reach out to those who have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ. We seek to sensitively relate to our culture through our God-inspired capacity and creativity to share our message effectively.